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According to a paper published in the latest issue of Advanced Engineering Materials, a research team in Scotland has developed an advanced pressure sensor technology that could help improve robotic systems such as robotic prosthetics and robotic arms.


A research team at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) is working on the Advanced Sensors Development Project for Robotic Systems, which aims to develop precise pressure sensors that provide tactile feedback and distributed touch to enhance the robot’s ability to help improve its dexterity and motor skills.

Professor Deiss,Director of the Sensors and Imaging Institute at UWS, said: “The robotics industry has made remarkable progress in recent years. However, due to a lack of perception capabilities, robotic systems are often unable to perform certain tasks with ease. In order to realize the full potential of robotics, we need precise pressure sensors that provide greater tactile capabilities.”

The new sensor is made of 3D graphene foam which is called Graphene Foam GII.It has unique properties under mechanical pressure, and the sensor uses a piezoresistive method. This means that when a material is stressed, it dynamically changes its resistance and easily detects and adapts to a range of pressures from light to heavy.

According to reports, GII can simulate the sensitivity and feedback of human touch, making it suitable for disease diagnosis, energy storage and other fields. This could revolutionize a range of real-world applications for robots from surgery to precision manufacturing.

In the next phase, the research group will seek to further improve the sensitivity of the sensor for wider application in robotic systems.

Post time: Aug-11-2022