• senex


According to the “2031 Intelligent Sensor Market Outlook” report released by the market research institution TMR, based on the increase in the use of IoT devices, the size of the smart sensor market in 2031 will exceed $ 208 billion.


Sensor is a detection device that can feel the measured information, and can change the information that you feel to be felt into an information output of an electrical signal or other formal forms to meet the information transmission, processing, storage, and display of the information. , Record and control requirements.

As an important means and the main source of perception information, intelligent sensors, as an important means of interaction between information systems and external environment, determine the key core and pilot foundation of the development energy level of the information technology industry in the future.

In the process of modern industrial production, especially automated production, various sensors should be used to monitor and control various parameters in the production process, so that the equipment work is in normal or best state, and the product achieves better quality. Therefore, without many excellent sensors, modern production has lost its foundation.

There are many types of sensors, about 30,000. Common types of sensors are: temperature sensors, humidity sensors, pressure sensors, displacement sensors, flow sensors, liquid level sensors, force sensors, acceleration sensors, torque sensors, etc.

A series of emerging industries such as intelligent medical care. As an intelligent detection device, sensors are the same as the development of the Internet of Things.

However, the development of my country’s local smart sensors is worrying. The research report of the Tounn Institute in June this year states that from the perspective of the output structure of global intelligent sensors, China’s output accounts for only 10%, and the remaining output is mainly concentrated in the United States, Germany and Japan. The global compound growth rate is also higher than China. This is mainly because the related research of China’s intelligent sensors started late. R & D technology needs to be improved. More than 90%of the mid -to -high -end intelligent sensors depend on imports.

Post time: Jan-05-2023